Discover the super powers of therapeutic serious games

What is a serious game ?

A serious game is a physical or digital game which has a purpose other than pure entertainment.

Commitment driven by laughter and by desire to win

L'utilisation du jeu permet de renforcer l'implication des patients. La présence d'éléments d'humour et le contexte ludique entraîne une adhésion quasi-immédiate. Par ailleurs, le fait de proposer un enjeu suscite un engagement plus fort.

Confidence built through practice

Practising without stress and in a caring environment allows the patient to gain confidence. It’s one of the main sources of therapeutic education, particularly for healthcare routines. It is also possible to practise the theoretical aspects of healthcare protocols by offering ‘case studies’ in the form of games.

The power of experimentation and simulation

Les serious games permettent aux joueurs de tester et expérimenter par lui-même. Il a ainsi l'opportunité de découvrir des notions et de construire des connaissances pérennes. En effet, on retient mieux ce que l'on fait soi-même.

The richness of cooperation and imagination

Games are an excellent multi-sensory tool that draw on multiple skills and allow acquired knowledge to be well anchored. Stimulating imagination and cooperation creates unique experiences.

The super power of distancing

Games offer the opportunity to use characters which allow a phenomenon called distancing to take place. The patient does not speak about themselves and they can speak more freely and express themselves on subjects that they might not dare to speak about directly.


Serious Game Frame

An education serious game only fulfills its teaching mission when used in a precise framework. The framework allows the player to be supported while building their knowledge. It is generally based on an exchange with a resource person who has the required knowledge and is able to teach it. Here, the framework is the therapeutic education programme implemented by healthcare teams.

The fact that a serious game is used in a non-educational setting does not prevent it from being used if the game mechanics have been well constructed. In this case, the serious game becomes an entertainment game with a health theme. New skills are not acquired but players can have fun and discuss a theme that is already familiar.

Serious Game Mécaniques de jeu
Serious Game Philosophie

Our philosophy is to design games in a way that they will be self-supporting and can be used as a fun game in a family context. This means that people have a good time while conveying the diabetes awareness messages which are so important to us.

This is why we make our games accessible to the general public as well as to healthcare teams.

And now...come and find out about your next therapeutic education games

DID ACT, making diabetes management child’s play
Managing mealtimes when you are diabetic
play for better understanding
A narrative game based on emergency protocols and psycho-social skills
DID the BEAR, a soft and cuddly teddy...
...who quickly becomes every little one’s friend
SUPER DIDOU, The therapeutic education super mannequin
A tool designed to reduce the worry of “doing it wrong” and “doing it painfully”
BIRTHDAY BOOKLET : Tips, recipes and decorations too!
A booklet that brings diabetes to the party
without any fuss!
CAP SPORT, when physical activity
comes into play
A management video game that allows for
an increase in sports experience

Find out more about our games by reading the leaflet